Saturday, August 20, 2011

Stories from the pharm

Procrastination on school work really gets me blogging it seems. Can you blame me? Who has the time to blog when there's all this free time lying around for mischievous antics anyhow? I have so many classes this term, I am starting to wonder why I took 2 electives and threw in some research for kicks. I've been throwing in some hours at work before the fun really starts with exams. That way I can at least eat for a few more weeks once I start working less haha.

People are nuts. We had a guy yell at one of my techs for 20 minutes that we kept filling his mom's prescriptions when she had months worth at home. Screaming that we were taking advantage of a poor blind woman.

First off... I've seen this woman DRIVE to the pharmacy. Oh good god, she's blind?! Second, she CALLS us every month to refill her medications. This leads us to believe she's taking it as directed... and not stocking up for the next nuclear holocaust. Then suddenly it's our fault and that we should know and keep track of her medication. How exactly are we supposed to know what she has at home? We only have the last fill date to go by. Take care of your own mother, or hire someone to do it for you.

Then we have "why isn't it ready yet?" man for a compounded medication. Look man, if you don't call us to make it for you, we are NOT going to make it. Those have short expiration dates, we are not fortune tellers (because if we were we surely would be working for Ms. Cleo instead of dealing with this) so you need to tell us if you need something filled. Secondly, when we compound something it means we actually have to make it. No it's not going to take 5 minutes. Dissolving 30 capsules of lansoprazole in sodium bicarbonate has to be one of the most excruciating and annoying compounds to make. Well, aside from suppositories. By the way, I make some gorgeous suppositories, almost seems like a waste that it's just gonna get shoved up someone's ass. Well, ok, the ones I hate making the most are capsules.

Then there's also dealing with the new kid. I swear he types with one finger and has to think about each and every single letter before he presses the key. He also doesn't properly notate prescriptions, or scans them into the system. He's been around for 2 months. Writing a date of birth on the script and scanning it should be second nature by now. He may as well be counting by 1's at the rate that he fills. He also seems to have difficulty putting away drugs in the right place. This kid is killing me. He walked around for 5 minutes asking us 3 times for permission to go home. It just ended with me pleading for him to just leave. As soon as he leaves... still busy... but somehow we manage to get it under control. He's a nice kid, but he's gonna be the death of me.

I love my job, I really do. But days like these just make me want to slam my head into a wall.

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