Monday, January 12, 2009

Time to learn a new language

I've suddenly gotten the urge to learn sign language. I really want to, and I already know a few signs and the alphabet. I learned the alphabet while sitting on a bus in Wales when I was 15, and it stayed with me somehow. I think it's a beautiful language. I think that's my challenge for the year, find some time to fit in a sign language class, or have my friend teach me. We learned a few signs over break because were were drunk and making hand hearts. So our friend taught us some signs and I now know inappropriate words in sign language and in return I taught them Vietnamese. Of course nothing actually useful, because who really ever wants to know that? haha.


sheA said...

OH yeah for new challenges- go for it!!!!! I would sign that for you, but um.... couldnt see it.....Boooooo- bad joke- go still in the corner bad joke...

The Surprise Dyke said...

Totally go for it!